Looks like Bruce Levine is on the move. He posted this tweet this morning.
I haven’t reached Levine, but word is he is parting ways with ESPN 1000.
Don’t be surprised if Levine moves down the dial to WSCR-AM 670. Stay tuned.
7 thoughts on “Chicago news: Bruce Levine leaving ESPN 1000; could be headed to WSCR”
He almost always asks the first question at a manager’s postgame press conference. A little obnoxious. He also said last week (Tues,) it would be his last chat on ESPNChicago.com.
WSCR could use more baseball talk. too much Bears for me.
I hope not ! All he seems to do kiss management butts all the time . Nothing but softball questions . (excuse the pun )
Hope not ! Obnoxious jerk like the other gentleman said . Hard to listen to a person who is almost always kissing up to management .
I hope Mr. Levine is done with radio. He is extremely obnoxious and has a propensity to talk over people unnecessarily. He may know baseball, but his personality is suffocating. I’m sure Fred Hubner is relieved…I know I am!!
I look forward to hearing Bruce on the radio. His baseball knowledge is tops. I am guessing Fred would like him to stay on. However, I am a Cub fan so I am wrong about a lot of things.
Who hasn’t seen this before? Bruce got to train his replacements before he left. They hired at least two other guys, maybe more, to replace Bruce and they are probably paying each of the replacements about 10-15% of what they were paying Bruce. This modern day big business. Replace the experienced, competent, higher paid employees with minimum wage go-fers. All the new guys will be able to do is read the Cubs and Sox press releases and then repeat them on air. Nothing but crapola!
Bruce is the best I’m sad to hear he left ESPN and talking baseball.
He almost always asks the first question at a manager’s postgame press conference. A little obnoxious. He also said last week (Tues,) it would be his last chat on ESPNChicago.com.
WSCR could use more baseball talk. too much Bears for me.
I hope not ! All he seems to do kiss management butts all the time . Nothing but softball questions . (excuse the pun )
Hope not ! Obnoxious jerk like the other gentleman said . Hard to listen to a person who is almost always kissing up to management .
I hope Mr. Levine is done with radio. He is extremely obnoxious and has a propensity to talk over people unnecessarily. He may know baseball, but his personality is suffocating. I’m sure Fred Hubner is relieved…I know I am!!
I look forward to hearing Bruce on the radio. His baseball knowledge is tops. I am guessing Fred would like him to stay on. However, I am a Cub fan so I am wrong about a lot of things.
Who hasn’t seen this before? Bruce got to train his replacements before he left. They hired at least two other guys, maybe more, to replace Bruce and they are probably paying each of the replacements about 10-15% of what they were paying Bruce. This modern day big business. Replace the experienced, competent, higher paid employees with minimum wage go-fers. All the new guys will be able to do is read the Cubs and Sox press releases and then repeat them on air. Nothing but crapola!
Bruce is the best I’m sad to hear he left ESPN and talking baseball.