Mannings brothers as rappers? Behind latest DirecTV commercial

The guys take it to another level here.

As for who thinks of this stuff? Tom Hoffarth of the Los Angeles Daily News offers some insights.

Alex Kaplan, DirecTV’s vice president of marketing, says the idea came as a collaborative effort by the satellite dish company’s marketing and advertising divisions, along with its partner, Grey Advertising in New York.

“It was kind of a leap of faith in that we hoped it was as funny as it looked on paper,” Kaplan said this afternoon. “I think we pulled it off.”


Payton and Eli filmed the spot in New Orleans in mid July, as one can see from the French Quarter background, Kaplan said.

“What’s so cool is they’ve been great spokesmen for Sunday Ticket, and they’ve wanted to do another one of these for us, ever since they did the ‘Football Cops’ video a couple of years ago,” said Kaplan. “They’ve been bugging me to do something outside the box. We’ve been waiting for the right idea and this one popped up.”