Garrison Keillor figures out Cubs problem: It’s a Lutheran thing

I had a chance to see Garrison Keillor do his great Prairie Home Companion show Saturday at Ravinia in Highland Park outside of Chicago.

The show went on despite end-of-the-world storms that drenched those in the outdoor seating. Luckily for me, I was under the pavilion.

Keillor, 71, still has his fastball. He played to the Chicago audience by giving his version of why the Cubs haven’t won the World Series since 1908. It makes about as much sense as anything else.

If you want to listen to the audio, the Cubs segment occurs at the 1:11 mark of the show.

Keillor said:

It’s the 100th anniversary of Wrigley Field in Chicago, which was built in 1914 on the site of the old Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary. And right there is the key to the story of the Chicago Cubs. This team is the living embodiment of Lutheran theology, which if I need remind you is not about winning. It’s not about being No. 1. It is about taking the back seat and being of service to others.

The Cubs have been of service to so many other teams. They have pulled other teams out of losing streaks. Batters who were in painful slumps have recovered their confidence against the Cubs.

It’s a good Lutheran team you’ve got there on the North Side of Chicago.


Keillor then honored the Cubs with a song.

We can accept dropped flyballs, wild pitches and flubs,

Within these sacred ivy walls, we commune with the Chicago Cubs.

The race is not always to the swift, so blessed are the meek.

We thank the Lord for any gift, and always turn the other cheek.

Trying to discern the way, theologians got invites.

For years, we only played by day, and then reluctantly put on the lights.

We do not ask to come in first; We never will be gifted.

We accept that we are cursed, and prayer has failed to lift it.

We live by faith and we give thanks, and know someday in heaven,

We’ll play the Series with the Yanks, and win the best of seven.






3 thoughts on “Garrison Keillor figures out Cubs problem: It’s a Lutheran thing

  1. First line of the song is actually “We can accept dropped flyballs, wild pitches errors and flubs” You left out errors.

  2. I think Keillor is on to something.

    Martin Luther couldn’t hit the curveball to save his lifeā€¦but he brought plenty of high heat to Rome.

    Ernie Banks ought be Beatified.


    It all makes sense now. Wrigley field being built on the Lutheran Theological Seminary site.

    If they would have won the World Series the year it was built on that site, then that would mean they would have won every year since then, because Lutherans don’t like change and losing would be a change.

    Since they lost that year, they will lose every successive year…….the change thing again– remember ???

    I can sleep well tonight knowing this is the reason for their demise—Divine Intervention…..not lack of talent.

    So much for the “Goat Theory”. I bet the goat was Lutheran too !!!!!!!

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