New assignment: Writing sports journalism column for Poynter

As a freelance journalist, I always say I am a man of many hats. I pleased to be wearing another one.

Starting Thursday, I will launch a new sports journalism column on Here is the official announcement.

My weekly (mostly) columns will examine the pressing news, issues, trends and challenges in sports journalism. I also plan to look at the process by telling the stories of the business’ top editors, reporters and outlets.

After all, I don’t just cover the changing landscape of sports media. I’m living it.

I also will be reunited with Poynter president Tim Franklin. Back in the ‘90s, I was one of Tim’s associate editors when he was sports editor of the Tribune. He is one of the smartest people I know in the business, and he has gone on to have a marvelous career. The opportunity to work with Tim again is big reason why I am thrilled to be part of his team at Poynter.

Please check out my columns at Poytner. I also will link to them here at Sherman Report.



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