In an interview with AD Week, Frank Caliendo discusses how his move to ESPN allows him to expand his arsenal to include ESPN’s personalities. That includes this dead-on spoof of Jon Gruden.
From the interview:
Your new gig gives you an opportunity to bring more “voices” to the show. Who are you working on now?
Doing impressions of ESPN people was not an option before, so right there you have a whole bunch of huge personalities I haven’t had a chance to try on. So, I have Chris Berman down and I’ve been working on my [Ron] Jaworski, my Herm Edwards. One I’ve been having a lot of fun with is Jon Gruden.
It’s kind of weird to ask you to do an impression for a print Q&A, but…
[In Gruden’s voice] Yeah, well, you know the thing about Gruden is, he’s so positive, man. No matter what’s happening, he puts it in a positive light. [In his own voice] And the way he puts that inflection in his voice, that’s the key to getting his voice down.