It truly is incredible. Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times says the official annoucement will be made today.
Shaikin wonders if Scully will make the trip to New York next year when the Dodgers play the Yankees in Yankee Stadium.
He writes:
He told a wonderful story the other night, bemoaning the relative tranquillity of the current Dodgers-Giants rivalry and pivoting adeptly to a tale involving Jackie Robinson.
The Dodgers were playing the Giants in New York, in the old Polo Grounds, and Reese and Robinson were two of the three people left in the Dodgers clubhouse. Scully was the other one.
“Pee Wee said to Jackie, ‘I’ll bet you I get more boos than you do.’ And Jackie said, ‘You gotta be kidding.’
“So Reese opened up the door as he started down the wooden steps. I mean, they booed him out of the ballpark.
“And Robbie sat there in the dressing room laughing. And finally he said to me, ‘Now watch this.’ He said, ‘I’m sure that the Giants fans check off the name of each Dodger player who has left the clubhouse. I’ll guarantee you they know I’m the only player left in the clubhouse.’
“And I swear to you, the door didn’t crack open six inches — you couldn’t see who was coming out — but the crowd knew it was Robinson.
“And they went wild.”
That is not Scully’s best story, not even close.