An admission: ESPN president says network mishandled Tebow coverage

Last week, I yelled while watching SportsCenter. In a segment featuring Tedy Bruschi, the subject was….You guessed it.

“Enough with Tim Tebow and the Jets quarterback situation,” was the translation of my yell that startled the dog.

So it was good to read that there finally might be some sanity regarding the over-hyped quarterback and team in Bristol. In an interview with Street and Smith’s Sports Business Daily’s John Ourand, ESPN president John Skipper admitted the network went overboard with Tebow mania.

Skipper said:

“I said, ‘Guys, we didn’t handle this very well.’ Going to training camp wasn’t a problem. We just stayed on it relentlessly and too long.”

Skipper admitted that he was upset when he heard former ESPNer Doug Gottlieb tell Dan Patrick, “I was told specifically, ‘You can’t talk enough Tebow.'” Skipper’s reaction: “I didn’t love that.”

More Skipper:

“We’ve had some good discussions internally about trying to be careful. In some ways, the more difficult internal conflict is between long-term story telling and ratings. We all know that if you focus on the Tebow story, for the next 10 minutes you’re going to do better. But the question is trying to take a long-term perspective and saying, ‘Guys, let’s not get over excited about one story and hyping it.'”

Skipper is correct, although he should have put a cap on it much earlier. The extreme Tebow fascination, with the crescendo of SportsCenter celebrating his birthday, damaged the network’s credibility. It all became a joke, never a good thing.

Enough is enough. That is, until Tebow actually gets into a game at quarterback.