Hopefully, we’re about to enter a Michelle Beadle-free zone for a while. But first, one last word from the women herself.
Even Beadle was embarrassed about the excessive amount of attention that has been focused on her in recent weeks. In an interview with USA Today, she said:
I find it ridiculous. It’s a little stupid. I’ve changed jobs a couple dozen times since I started in an amusement park at 16. … I got a little sick of myself. It’s been an odd situation. Hopefully, it will come and go and everybody will get back to their business. Very weird. Who knew?
Of her decision to move to NBC, where she will be involved in sports and entertainment programming, she said:
I’m 36 and I knew whatever I signed next would be a threeish-year deal. If I was 25, you’d have time to play with. You know, with high-def TV, women get the short end of the stick.
Anything else? OK, that should be enough Michelle Beadle for a while.
I can’t get enough Beadle. She’s gorgeous and knows the sports water cooler talk; match made in heaven!