I should know better than to engage in a debate with Bob Costas. He’s much smarter and says it better than I ever could.
However, I disagree with his statement about NBC and its coverage of I’ll Have Another trainer Doug O’Neill during Saturday’s Belmont. Last week on Jim Rome’s show, Costas talked about O’Neill and his upcoming suspension in California. He said:
“(Costas will) hit this issue hard, including with direct interviews with O’Neill. … (but) you have to be careful even though there’s an issue here. Let’s say I’ll Have Another wins the Triple Crown, and there’s O’Neill standing there. … Would you ask Richard Nixon about Watergate while he was descending the steps of the church after one of his daughter’s wedding? If we’ve addressed all of these issues prior to, then I think it can be confined to a single question, and I won’t be afraid to ask it.
I’d say the answer is yes if there were questions about Nixon’s ethics as a father. Besides, it’s a different scenario, and clearly O’Neill’s ethics as a trainer are in question here.
And the question should be asked early and often: Does O’Neill deserve to be the sport’s brightest spotlight?
O’Neill’s presence will be the elephant in a room full of horses, so to speak Saturday. I don’t know much about horse racing, but I think having a sanctioned trainer involved here diminishes the incredible storyline of I’ll Have Another’s bid for the Triple Crown. In fact, I’m not sure I want the horse to win if it means having to watch a post-victory interview with O’Neill.
Perhaps, I’m in the minority. During a 38-teleconference with NBC this week, the issue was barely raised.
I did ask NBC how O’Neill would be handled. Costas actually interviewed him on his Costas Tonight show Monday night. Producer Rob Hyland said Costas will do another interview with O’Neill that will air during Saturday’s telecast. As he said, he won’t be backing off the tough questions.
Clearly, though, it’s an uncomfortable situation. NBC would prefer no distractions from a historic bid that should pull huge ratings. I asked producer Rob Hyland if O’Neill’s presence hung a shadow over the race? He said:
I don’t think so. He’s a likeable guy and he’s been open with what’s going on. We’re going to ask the tough questions and America will get the answers.
Announcer Tom Hammond was a bit more candid:
It’ll be somewhat different. I’ve heard some people call him shady. I don’t think that’s a fair characterization. Certainly he has too many allegations for me to ignore. Yet he maintains his innocence. (The California ruling) was kind of a copeout ruling. But yeah, it makes it different. We have to deal with this when it should be a time for joy.
I followed up by asking how O’Neill would be handled if I’ll Have Another wins. Hammond said:
There will be a mention of it, but I don’t see it being the story. The story of the moment will be winning the Triple Crown. I’ll Have Another will be the story, that’s for sure.
Of course, that will be case. However, given O’Neill’s situation, that would be a tough interview to stomach.