An Associated Press story has an email from Brandel Chamblee, responding to the fallout from his column about Tiger Woods and cheating. Knowing Chamblee, it hardly is a surprise that he isn’t backing down.
In fact, he wrote more in the email than he did in the original piece. From the AP:
Chamblee never says outright he thinks Woods cheated. That was by design.
“I think ‘cavalier with the rules’ allows for those with a dubious opinion of the BMW video,” Chamblee said Tuesday in an email to the AP. “My teacher in the fourth grade did not have a dubious opinion of how I completed the test. But she was writing to one, and as I was writing to many, I felt it important to allow for the doubt some might have, so I chose my words accordingly.
“What people want to infer about that is up to them,” he said. “I have my opinion, they can form theirs.”
Chamblee then states his opinion.
“I don’t feel I’m the one that needs to justify the ‘F.’ The BMW video does it for me, followed by Tiger’s silence — until confronted — and then by his denials in the face of incontestable evidence to the contrary of his petitions,” Chamblee said. “To say nothing of the fact that he was disrespecting his position in golf, the traditions of golf and his fellow competitors, in my opinion.”
As for the threat of a lawsuit from Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg, well, Chamblee doesn’t appear to be worried.
“I thought it incomprehensible that anyone with the slightest understanding of libel laws wouldn’t know the definition of and the difference between libel and opinion,” Chamblee said.
Actually, Woods likely would sue for defamation of character. But we all know he isn’t going down that road.
Expect a follow-up from Steinberg soon.