Dan McNeil is returning to WSCR-AM 670 in Chicago.
Earlier this morning, his partner, Matt Spiegel, posted this via TwitLonger:
Dan McNeil returns today at noon, and the Mac and Spiegs show will reconvene.
I know many of you have hungered for information and details about the show; I’m sorry I haven’t been able to respond and provide them along the way. The situation was simply too delicate personally, legally, and professionally to comment on publicly.I look forward to Mac being able to tell you about his absence and return, in his words, as he sees fit.
Laurence Holmes is a complete pro, a great host, and a phenomenal teammate. It’s been awesome to work with him these 7 weeks and get a rhythm going; I enjoyed my radio tryst. We appreciate those of you that stuck with us, or found us and stayed.Game on. Let the Iron Man streak begin anew.