Chris Broussard on Outside The Lines: Homosexuality is ‘an open rebellion’ to God

Looks like Chris Broussard just made himself part of the story in the Jason Collins story.

During a special edition of Outside The Lines today, Broussard said homosexuality is “an open rebellion” to God.

Broussard said: “Personally I don’t believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or openly  pre-marital sex between heterosexuals – if you’re openly living that  type of lifestyle then the bible says you know them by their fruits, it says that that’s a sin. If you’re openly living in unrepentant sin – whatever it may be – not just homosexuality; adultery, fornication, pre-marital sex between heterosexuals, I believe that’s walking in open rebellion to God and Jesus Christ. So I would not characterize that person as a Christian because I don’t  think the bible would characterize them as a Christian.”

As I write this, Broussard has yet to weigh in on his Twitter feed, which has nearly 650,000 followers. However, he now is trending ahead of Collins on Twitter.

Some samples among the many, many tweets:

FYI to Chris Broussard: Plenty of homosexual scientists, doctors, lawyers, educators, soldiers, etc. All human beings & free to live equally

Who would have guessed that Tim Tebow has a brighter professional future than Chris Broussard?

My sources tell me Chris Broussard will be covering sports for the 700 club next week

Chris Broussard is going to go from Outside the Lines to Unemployment Lines.

Not so quick with the last tweet. Don’t for a minute think that Broussard’s comment will get him fired. He was expressing an honest view. As much as I disagree with Broussard, I agree with this tweet from Doug Gottlieb, a sentiment that was echoed by others.

BTW @Chris_Broussard should be allowed to speak his mind,share his faith–as long as no hate is involved #OTL— even though I disagree

Still, Mr. Broussard is in for an eventful few days.




2 thoughts on “Chris Broussard on Outside The Lines: Homosexuality is ‘an open rebellion’ to God

  1. Way to single out the homosexuality part of his quote. I wonder why you would do that??? Hmmmm, maybe it was to make it seem like his is a biget. But in reality he’s not and when you take his full quote his talking about what he believes in a true way to live your sexuality straight or gay. But, you in the media just want the controversy

  2. To be fair he said the same thing applies to fornicating heterosexuals. Although I disagree with what he says, I believe he has the right to say it and believe it. I also feel it is unfair to him to say in a headline he is just talking about homosexuals when that is misrepresenting the actual comments. Hopefully one day in this country we will be able to love whoever we choose, but hopefully not at the expense of being able to say/believe whatever we choose as long as there is no malicious intent.

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