Costas replies to columnist’s critique of his Redskins commentary: Every definition says nickname is ‘offensive’

Bob Costas wasn’t going to let Jonah Goldberg’s column go without a retort.

Goldberg, who writes a column syndicated by Tribune Media Services, objected to Costas’ recent commentary on NBC saying the Redskins nickname has to go.

Writes Goldberg:

“It is an insult, a slur, no matter how benign the present-day intent,” Costas continued.

This is ludicrous. I say this not as someone who has particular love for the Redskins or its name. I say this as a lover of words.

Goldberg concludes:

Ultimately, of course, this isn’t a fight about words but about cultural politics and the imperative to scrub society of all offensive language (or, often, merely language that offends liberals). That fight will never end, and not just because some people always need to be offended by something. It will never end because words themselves will never cooperate.

Costas wrote a response that appeared in the Baltimore Sun.

Goldberg twice refers to my comments as a “tirade.” I defy any fair-minded person to view the two-minute piece in its entirety and find anything in its tone or content that remotely resembles a tirade. He later refers to my “crusade.” How does addressing a prominent football-related issue one time on the very night Washington was playing on NBC qualify as a crusade?

Goldberg writes: “It strains credulity to believe the team name was intentionally pejorative, or that fans or ownership see it that way today.” I went out of my way to stipulate that very thing. Or don’t the words I actually used matter if they get in the way of whatever point Goldberg is trying to make in this case?

Costas concludes:

Every dictionary I have consulted has defined “redskins” with words such as offensive, insulting, pejorative and derogatory. No such words are part of the definition of Braves, Chiefs, Warriors or any other team name associated with Native Americans.

One would think a professed lover of words like Goldberg would appreciate that clear and compelling distinction, and recognize that many of those who have problems with the name “Redskins” are motivated not by liberalism or political correctness but by common sense and common decency.

Yes, keep those letter coming, folks. I only can imagine the letters Costas received.


One thought on “Costas replies to columnist’s critique of his Redskins commentary: Every definition says nickname is ‘offensive’

  1. Bob Costas is a sportscaster. If he is talking about things defined as offensive, they should be limited to forward passes, running plays or gaping holes created by crisp blocking. Hail to the Redskins!

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