The Alabama-LSU game is two weeks old, a lifetime in the new media age. So why did ESPN The Magazine decide to dedicate its latest issue to the game?
It’s all part of a magazine strategy to have theme issues focused on one subject. This is the third time it has centered its resources on one game.
It’s all about total immersion, said Rob King, ESPN senior vice-president.
“It’s storytelling in and around the game,” King said. “Every corner of the stadium experience. Every corner of the parking lot. Locker room. Coaches and administration. We try to find stories that are unique to the venue.”
King joked that having Wright Thompson on the loose in Baton Rouge “is a scary proposition.” Thompson, though, wrote a terrific profile on Les Miles.
King said ESPN requested fans submit photos via Twitter. The picture gallery on produced 657,000 page views during that game weekend.
“I really like this franchise,” King said. “(Editor) Chad Millman and his team are really ambitious about doing this beautiful work. It’s a good example of the magazine’s placement in the ESPN ecosytem. ”