Forget time issue: MSNBC should have run full Sandusky interview

I still can’t fathom why NBC or one of its outlets didn’t air the entire Jerry Sandusky interview back in November.

It turns out only eight minutes of Bob Costas’ interview aired on Rock Center with Brian Williams. The actual interview lasted more than 20 minutes.

It included this quote from Sandusky that got edited out:

And I didn’t go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I’ve helped.  There are many that I didn’t have — I hardly had any contact with who I have helped in many, many ways.

I’m not sure how you remove any quote in which Sandusky mentions the phrase “sexual needs.”

There were other interesting, relevant passages such as Sandusky’s relationship with Joe Paterno and his mysterious decision to retire in 1999. They didn’t air either.

I don’t buy any notion of a time constraint. If Williams’ show was pressed for time, then the interview should have aired in full on MSNBC and In a day and age of multiple 24/7 platforms, there should be no such thing as a time constraint.

Also, this was the interview of the year, given the timing and magnitude of the story. There’s a historical record involved here.

What would have CNN have done? I’m betting if Anderson Cooper has this interview, it airs in it entirety.

The public deserved to hear the entire interview. The prosecutor’s office apparently feels the same way.

Still waiting for a comment from NBC News.