Front page: Joy in Boston; Rest of U.S. celebrates end of long-suffering Red Sox fan theme

Can we finally put it to bed? The long-suffering Red Sox fan theme was so 20th Century. Their fans now are celebrating their third title since 2004. They aren’t suffering anymore.

I’m a fan of baseball history, but Fox beat us over the head with the 1918 thing again last night. Enough.

It all is especially hard to digest in Chicago. Do you know the last time the Cubs or White Sox celebrated a title in their ballpark? It was in 1906, when the Sox beat the Cubs in the World Series. Babe Ruth was 11.

And do I really have to get into the Cubs’ issues?

So congratulations, Boston. And for Fox, ESPN, and everyone else: Time to move on.

One thought on “Front page: Joy in Boston; Rest of U.S. celebrates end of long-suffering Red Sox fan theme

  1. Biggest World Series television audience in two years and you’re out there the next morning on the megaphone telling us “Move on, There Was Nothing to See Here”???


    Anything that FOX does – Sports, News, or Family Guy – involves a great deal of beating something over someone’s head.

    The carnival barker Joe Buck was ordered to execute Plan B: Flog the 1918 horse one last time, and he did so with gusto.

    Plan A, of course, was for Buck & McCarver – St. Louis guys to the marrow – to preach to America about The Cardinal Way, The Best Fans in Baseball, and how Wainwright/Wacha/Kelly is the second coming of Palmer/Cuellar/McNally.

    The 2013 Red Sox were colorful, charismatic gamers and grinders. They helped a city recover after a devastating act of terrorism. They rolled from last place in the AL East in 2012 to World Champs. This is a story to savor. It’s a little early to “move on,” don’t you think?

    This was a FOX problem, not a Red Sox problem.

    Perhaps the only thing more depressing than the constant comparison between baseball and football ratings is the fact that FOX is under contract to broadcast the World Series through 2021 … :(

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