For those of us who are sick of Tebow mania, which I assume is everyone not named Skip Bayless, nothing could be worse than the most over-hyped player ever signing with the genius in New England.
Bayless had this tweet last night: “Saving all my thoughts on TEBOW for 10E ESPN2 live from The Hard Rock in San Antonio (9 Central). I’m going to UNLEASH on Stephen A.”
To be fair to Bayless and ESPN, it isn’t just them. On the eve of a Blackhawks Stanley Cup Final, sports talk radio in Chicago was buzzing about Tebow yesterday. Most talk in this town for a quarterback not named Cutler.
Meanwhile, they are obviously bracing for the deluge in Boston, as evidenced by the front page of the Boston Herald. On the eve of the beloved Bruins playing in the Stanley Cup, Tebow mania was the talk of the town Tuesday, and will be for some quite time.
As a public service, Steve Politi of the Newark Star-Ledger, who had a full dose of Tebow with the Jets, offers five tips to the Boston media on how to cover this nonsense.
He writes:
Congratulations! Tim Tebow is signing with the Patriots and, on behalf of the chroniclers of his short-lived career with the Jets, I wanted to send along an extra large bottle of ibuprofen and a few tips for how to cover him properly.
I know, I know. Right now, you’re probably thinking something crazy like “he’s a third-string quarterback, why would I waste my time covering him at all?” You’ll get over that. You’ll get sucked in like all of us down here did, becoming hopeless and happy slaves to the Tebow Hype Machine.
Tip 2: Everything he does is news. A post-practice shirtless run in the rain? News. A blind quote from a teammate questioning his ability as quarterback? Big news. He lines up as a running back in practice … while shirtless? Twitter will explode.
Tip 4: Tom Brady is finished. Okay, not really. But someday, right? So don’t let things like “facts” get in your way of wild speculation about what the organization might do with their newest asset.
Try writing a column that’ll fit under this headline: “Will Tebow take over when Brady retires?” That’ll get you at least four appearance on a variety of ESPN2 shows, and eternal damnation.
Duck and cover everyone.