In the no-surprise department, ESPN named John McEnroe as its lead analyst for Wimbledon. ESPN assumes coverage of the entire tournament this year.
As USA Today’s Michael Hiestand writes, “(ESPN) will formally announce Friday what would be shocking only if it didn’t happen.”
However, here’s the passage from the story that caught my attention:
McEnroe, who had a short-lived CNBC talk show in 2004, suggests he’s also open to ESPN on-air roles beyond tennis. “There’s been talk about that in the past. That’s intriguing. … I’m open to suggestions.”
McEnroe is the few analysts that you stop and watch just because it’s John McEnroe. That sense of energy and tension has carried over from the court to television.
McEnroe also has a wide range of interests in sports and otherwise. He would make a compelling figure for a program with the right format.
If he’s “open,” ESPN should try to make this happen. And if not ESPN, then there’s the NBC Sports Network and CBS Sports Network. Both networks certainly would benefit from his presence.