Here’s hoping Vin Scully changes his mind about 2016 being his last

VinScully2If anyone deserves a farewell tour, it is Vin Scully.

Yet it is sad to think that Scully finally has put an expiration date on his great career. In announcing he would return for his 67th year in 2016, he said it would be his final curtain call.

From Steve Dilbeck of the Los Angeles Times:

“I would say realistically — and I don’t want any headlines — but I would say next year would be the last one,” Scully said. “How much longer can you go fooling people? I would be saying, `Dear God, if you give me next year, I’ll hang it up.’ ”

I still cling to the idea that Scully will go on forever. The idea of saying good-bye and hearing his last call will be painful.

Writes Dilbeck:

There aren’t many heroes you get to meet in life who live up to seemingly unrealistic expectations. But Scully is exactly the man you would expect him to me — impervious to his stature, completely down to Earth, caring, humorous, modest, giving.

And now he gets to go out on his terms. And his unexpected announcement will put enormous pressure on the Dodgers to finally solve their TV stalemate, so he could very likely provide one more gift to Los Angeles.

Scully quoted Dylan Thomas’ iconic poem, perfect for his moment.

“He wrote, `Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.’ I guess in a way, that’s what I’m doing. I’m raging against the dying of my career, which has to be around the corner now. But at least for the God-given time I have left, I’ll be raging.”

Keep on raging, Vin.