High praise: Emrick, Breen on top of games for biggest games: AA podcasts

Indeed, it has been a treat to listen to a pair of Mikes, Emrick and Breen, calling the respective finals in their leagues. And it is fitting that the NBA series is going a full seven tonight, and that Stanley Cup Final likely will follow suit.

Both play-by-play men deserve to go the distance.

As I’ve said before, Mike “Doc” Emrick has become the Vin Scully of hockey. He paints pictures with his own unique descriptions even though we’re watching the game on TV. More importantly, Emrick knows how to elevate the drama when everyone’s heart is beating a bit faster during crucial moments.

During the wild third period last night, Emrick summed it up for the viewers: “This is marvelous… It’s all a matter of getting your name on the Stanley Cup and getting a ring that’s so large to wear.”

Meanwhile, Breen’s style is to fit in seamlessly with the game he is calling. He complements the telecast, knowing exactly how to set up his quirky partner, Jeff Van Gundy. Yet when the big moment comes, as it did several times during Game 6, Breen rises to the occasion and delivers.

So a tip of the cap to Emrick and Breen. Thanks for making June so much fun.


To hear both men discuss their approaches and profession, check out Matt Yoder’s interviews with them for the Awful Announcing podcast series.

Here is the link for Emrick.

Here is the link for Breen.


One thought on “High praise: Emrick, Breen on top of games for biggest games: AA podcasts

  1. Spot on. I’m not even a hockey fan but have enjoyed Doc’s calls.

    Semi-related, but why the general hatred for Pierre McGuire? As mentioned, I’m not a hockey guy, but he seems to ask fairly thoughtful questions that don’t require a “yes/no” answer, and the players seem to genuinely like and respect him. He gets good answers. What am I missing?

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