Instant classic: Bill Murray guest picker on GameDay; body slams 78-year old Corso

They will be replaying this one forever. Still not sure how College GameDay bagged Murray.

One thought on “Instant classic: Bill Murray guest picker on GameDay; body slams 78-year old Corso

  1. Instant Classic? The bit was so racially insensitive.

    This is a great example of why Native American team names/mascots are so troublesome. Were the two “honoring” the Seminole tribe by doing this? Were the other co-hosts showing their “respect” of a culture by laughing along? What kind of message is sent when a nearly all white crowd cheers someone dressed as a minority being tackled?

    In an attempt to be funny ESPN mocked the culture of Native Americans . If Mr. Corso was dressed as an animal or nearly any other mascot, it would be funny. Instead it comes off as racially insensitive.

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