A few weeks ago, Jeff Van Gundy remarked during a telecast that Howard Stern was leaving early during a Knicks game. He jokingly said Stern shouldn’t be given tickets if he isn’t going to stay for the entire game.
Stern, who doesn’t like criticism, used the opportunity to go off on Van Gundy during his show. He went off on a 10-minute rant, calling him every name in the book from “douche bag” to “midget” and even “schlub.”
During a teleconference yesterday, Van Gundy had an amusing response when asked about Stern’s comment.
Yeah, you know what’s funny is I was sitting in a movie theater watching this movie, it was an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, “Sabotage” or something like that. I don’t know. It’s a new action film. And a friend of mine texted me and said, can you believe what Stern said about you. And so I’m sitting in the theater saying, why would David Stern be talking about me now?
So I was like perplexed. I said, what did he say, so he came back with what he said, and I’m like, man, that is not like the commissioner to call me a douchebag. I’m like, come on. I didn’t know what it was about.
So then when I got out of the theater where I was one of two people actually at the movie and called this guy, he told me it was Howard Stern and I didn’t know why he had been upset or he was talking about me. So I didn’t really think about it and then someone told me later that it was about me – I guess I said something jokingly about him leaving a game early. I didn’t really even know too much about it. I didn’t even know he was still on. I guess he’s on Sirius. I didn’t know. So it was funny.
Van Gundy’s response likely will trigger another barrage from Stern. Funny thing is, Stern actually would like Van Gundy if they ever got together.
Van Gundy shouldn’t be looking at texts in a movie theater. Very distracting to other people watching the movie. Very douche move.