NBC finale for McGuire? Candidate for Pittsburgh GM job

Last year, when Pierre McGuire won a Sports Emmy for sideline reporting, he told me that after flirting with several NHL jobs, he was ready to settle in with a broadcast career at NBC. The network wanted a commitment.

Of course, he added the disclaimer of “never say never.”

Sure enough, McGuire disclosed yesterday that he has spoken to the Pittsburgh Penguins about being their next general manager. In a conference call, he said:

“I met with the Pittsburgh Penguins. I talked with the Pittsburgh Penguins but they have a lot of other people. It’s a long list. It’s an attractive job. There are a lot of people in the hockey world that would like to have that position.

“Ray Shero, the former General Manager there and his staff did an amazing job building up the infrastructure of the talent with that team. And that’s why think it’s a very appealing job for a lot of people.

“In terms of whether I’m a finalist or not I can’t speak for that. I have no concept to that except to tell you this. There are a lot of people that would like that job.”

So it is possible that the Stanley Cup Final could be the finale for McGuire at NBC.