Earlier this week, I did a post on how Michelle Beadle planned to do more promotion for her show, The Crossover.
No need.
Richard Sandomir of the New York Times just did a tweet saying her show has been cancelled.
Indeed, even with some heavy promotion for the initial launch of the show last winter, it never caught on. Beadle’s appeal, which made her a star at ESPN, hasn’t transferred over to NBC SN.
So it’s back to the drawing board for Beadle and NBC SN. The network made a considerable investment in her, and she does have a track record. Finding the right vehicle is another story.
Clearly, it wasn’t The Crossover.
The market is oversaturated with basically the same schtick. Talking heads, usually including one or two blonds discussing “sports” or what passes for sports in these shows. Many times they degenerate into subjects more suited to Oprah or Maury or have little to do with sports. (And that includes radio to especially Fox Sports radio)
No surprise they are starting to fall by the wayside.
I can see a few of these type shows since occasionally it’s nice to hear an opinion on a subject from a player, G.M. or reporter who actually knows what they are talking about.
Unfortunately most of the times these shows have little idea of what is really happening and I think sports fans are figuring that out.
What IS her track record, exactly? I don’t mean ability, I mean actual results?