No problem with Chris Berman doing tonight’s game

The Twitter engineers should call in the reinforcements for tonight.

Chris Berman is working Houston-San Diego, the second half of ESPN’s opening Monday night doubleheader.

Berman on play-by-play always sets Twitter on fire. The tweeters use their 140 characters to dump on his schtick.

You know what? Allowing Berman to call one football game really doesn’t bother me.

Now golf is a different story. Perhaps the best part of Fox Sports landing the U.S. Open is that it will end his sorely out-of-place run at this event.

Football, though, is different than golf. All his bombast fits in for a sport where the volume is turned up.

Plus, the guy has been there since they opened the doors in 1979. He has been a faithful soldier for 34 years and made ESPN a ton of money. If his bosses want to throw him a bone, that’s fine. It’s good to see someone get rewarded for loyalty.

So give Berman his one game (or two if you throw in the meaningless preseason game he did). Besides, kickoff is after 10 p.m. on the East coast. ESPN executives will be asleep and totally oblivious to the anti-Berman noise emanating from Twitter.





One thought on “No problem with Chris Berman doing tonight’s game

  1. You obviously don’t have to hear him! He is disgusting and I turned the sound off! Sherman-Berman, are you related?

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