No swear zone: NBC producer defends McGuire

If the coaches start launching F-bombs over Pierre McGuire’s head during the Stanley Cup Final, executive producer Sam Flood said NBC will handle it the same way it did during Game 4 of the Rangers-Devils series.

During a conference call Tuesday, Flood said if McGuire doesn’t cut off his microphone, the truck would. Flood supported McGuire, who has come under fire for censoring the heated exchange between Rangers coach John Tortorella and New Jersey coach Peter DeBoer.

Flood said:

Pierre is going to give the information. It’s simply two coaches who are not getting along. What they’re saying is not ready for broadcast. (McGuire can say) ‘I can tell you they’re mad at each other’ He can tell you the context without any words. That’s his job.

Later Flood added:

He and I talk after every situation and how it was handled….In terms of language, I certainly wouldn’t want my children to listen to that. So why should I put it in living rooms across the country?

McGuire said:

It’s not an overly sanitized place to work. We’re not in a sound chamber. Also, there’s a responsibility. If somebody uses unbelievable amounts of vulgarity, which happens from time to time in professional sports, I don’t think it’s appropriate to comment on that.