For starters, I’m not sure when it became essential to hear from the president on Super Bowl Sunday. I’m all about being informed, but this day is about football, not politics.
What’s next? The Republican response to the presidential interview? Speaking of equal time, perhaps coverage of the president’s State of the Union address should include an interview with the winning Harbaugh brother.
Having said all that, I was disappointed that CBS’ Scott Pelley asked President Obama only one question related to his comments about football. Given what the president said about the dangers of the game, this would have been a good time to expand the discussion.
Mr. President, how do you reconcile enjoying a game that you believe is fundamentally dangerous?
Will the government ever have to step in?
And Pelley could have taken it beyond football, given all the recent news about PEDs involving the biggest stars in sports from Lance Armstrong to Alex Rodriguez. How does the president view sports’ ability to curb abuses of steroids and more?
I understand Pelley wanted the President to address the policy issues. Sports, though, is an important part of this society. It would have been interesting to receive his views on the pressing issues there, too.
If we have to hear from the president on Super Bowl Sunday, let’s remember what the day is all about.