Peter King addresses disgruntled reader on Ray Rice reporting: I let you down

Peter King answers readers questions on Tuesdays at MMQB. That opened himself up to some pointed questions about his coverage issues of the Ray Rice story.

This reader came down hard:

LOSING A READER. I consider myself a devoted reader of The MMQB. I am a sports fanatic and I have used The MMQB to consume information related to the NFL. As of the writing of this email, I will do so no longer. Mr. Peter King has proven to be nothing but a corporate shill who prioritizes access and connections over accuracy and completeness. There is no excuse for Mr. King’s abject failure to do his job with respect to the Ray Rice arrest, investigation, suspension, and the controversy that followed.

Mr. King’s statement today concludes by saying the following: “I hope when this story is fully vetted, we all get the truth and nothing but the truth.” Do you know how Mr. King could ensure that the statement is fully vetted and that we get nothing but the truth? He could do his job. He could ask the tough questions. He could investigate the answers to ensure their accuracy. He could press for more direct answers rather than a recitation of talking points. He could be a journalist.

But nope, Mr. King has made no such promise to get to the bottom of it. He seems content merely other people will do it for him.

—Andrew S. 

I appreciate you writing and I appreciate you reading over the years. You should be upset with what happened today. I didn’t do my job the right way. I will attempt to earn back your trust and the trust of others and I hope that at some point in the future you will give us another shot. I could argue with you about some of your points, but I feel that your main point is a valid one: I let you down.