Yep, that should just about do it for Bob Knight at ESPN. Yet another interpretation on the word “rape” by the former coach should end his broadcast run at the network.
I’m betting you thought it already ended.
Yesterday during an interview with Mike & Mike, Knight talked about how the NBA has “raped” college basketball.
“If I were involved with the NBA I wouldn’t want a 19-year-old or a 20-year-old kid, to bring into all the travel and all the problems that exist in the NBA. I would want a much more mature kid. I would want a kid that maybe I’ve been watching on another team and now he’s 21, 22 years old instead of 18 or 19, and I might trade for that kid. On top of it all, the NBA does a tremendous, gigantic disservice to college basketball. It’s as though they’ve raped college basketball in my opinion.”
Of course, the Knight file on rape still includes that famous Connie Chung interview.
”I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.”
The ESPN discipline police had to be brought out to have a chat with Knight. John Ourand of Sports Business Daily issued this tweet:
“We spoke with him. ESPN regrets the use of the word.”
I’m betting that’s the last straw for Knight at ESPN. The network is barely using him anyway.
When Knight was hired in 2008, he was all over ESPN’s coverage of the NCAA tournament. Now he is hardly seen. In fact, during the week of the Final Four, he will be an analyst on the NIT finals.
Perhaps it is because Knight doesn’t bring much to the table these days. Check out this clip that ran on Awful Announcing.
There have been several controversies involving Knight’s tenure at ESPN. When Knight is making news during the NCAA tournament for his use of the word rape, that’s a sure sign for Bristol to say, “Enough is enough.”
I would be shocked if he is back next year.
Biggest problem ESPN and anyone else who makes a dime off the NBA either directly or indirectly has with this comment is it’s the truth.
Most thought he wouldn’t return this year but ESPN brought him back so you never know.
I agree though, Knight brings nothing to the broadcast, he’s become a bitter old man who didn’t even know what the shot clock rules were during a game last season. LOL.