Been a long time since I’ve written about my old pal Jason Whitlock. How is that move to ESPN working out?
Whitlock showed up on everyone’s radar last night following his remarks about NBA players from Canada on Olbermann.
Whitlock’s initial remarks start at the 3:15 mark in this clip.
Even Olbermann realized how ridiculous Whitlock was in his generalization about Canadian NBA players. In a second segment, he brings up the issue again at the 1:24 mark.
In this clip, Whitlock talks about Canadians being laid back in general. Apparently, he never has watched a hockey game, a sport dominated by Canadians. Nobody would call them laid back.
Josh Gold-Smith at Awful Announcing, who is Canadian, writes:
How quickly he forgot about two-time MVP and eight-time All-Star Steve Nash. Since he included all “Canadian athletes”, how about the multitude of Canadian Olympic gold medalists, the thousands of Stanley Cup champions, the American and National League MVPs, the Baseball Hall of Famer, the Masters champion, and the UFC welterweight champion?
Clearly, they didn’t “want it as much.”
Whitlock tosses in “NBA players and NBA people” to imply that it’s not his opinion, but it doesn’t matter who he’s attributing the opinions to. They’re asinine, and whether he’s saying them for the first time or passing them along from other sources, he’s perpetuating stereotypes by not dispelling them as unfounded myths.
Ignorance and stupidity isn’t color blind, TY Jason Whitlock for embarrassing the United States and Americans – BTW maybe a year or two at the Biggest Loser ranch might help your appearance
This guy is an absolute idiot. His grammar is brutal. Today he really screwed up. He trashed Don Cherry on Canadian radio. Don’t think Don will let this slide.