Many thanks to the folks for the mentions about my book, Babe Ruth’s Called Shot: The Myth and Mystery about Baseball’s Great Home Run.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel included Called Shot among its top 9 baseball books for the new season. Writes Chris Foran:
In the third game of the 1932 World Series between the New York Yankees and Chicago Cubs, Babe Ruth stepped up to the plate against Cubs pitcher Charlie Root and, after making a gesture or two, hit a home run to center field. Whether Ruth “called” his home run has been debated for the 82 years since — and even the emergence of home movies taken at the game haven’t yielded a definitive answer.
Ed Sherman, a longtime Chicago Tribune reporter, gives the correct answer: It doesn’t matter. It’s a great story either way.
And Sherman succeeds in getting that across, digging into every angle, from cross-examining surviving eyewitnesses (such as Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who as a 12-year-old boy was at the game) to combing through the catalog of notables who were at the game, including president-to-be Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Ross Atkin of the Christian Science Monitor included it among his six baseball books.
Thanks to the kind words from Stuart Shiffman of the Illinois Times. He writes:
Ed Sherman’s Babe Ruth’s Called Shot is a uniquely entertaining and completely thorough account of the events surrounding the home run that will live in baseball history forever.
Sherman is not an advocate, he is an investigator. He has gathered every piece of evidence available and presents the facts to his jury of baseball fans. They, as all juries will consider the evidence, apply their common sense and life experience and in that fashion arrive at a verdict. But there are no legal requirements for the verdict. Each reader is a jury of one, free to decide the case as they see fit.
From the Sports Book Review Center:
Sherman concludes in “Babe Ruth’s Called Shot” that such an act would have been in character, and indeed was such a good fit for his reputation that it stuck – even if the story may not be quite true in its entirety. The author is right on target there.
We wanted to believe it happened in 1932, and we still want to believe today.