Saturday flashback II: Bob Ryan on Sports Reporters with Cosell in 1990

As I wrote yesterday, Bob Ryan is hanging them up as a sports columnist for the Boston Globe after the Olympics.

I found an old clip of Ryan on The Sports Reporters from 1990. Also appearing on the show was Howard Cosell and Bill Conlin. And it was hosted by the great Dick Schaap.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t embed the video, but here’s the link. Well worth a click.

The show opens with a terrific discussion on people who had impact on their careers and in the media in general. Ryan recalls how he was greatly influenced by Jim Murray.

Conlin talks about Dick Young, the legendary New York sportswriter who had an infamous feud with Cosell.

Cosell, who was very bitter at that point in his life, goes off on Red Smith. He also calls Schaap “Dickie.”

Good stuff.