Flashback: NBC’s open to ’72 World Series; Day games and fast games

Yes, it was quite different back then. Longest game in the 7-game series was 2:50; shortest was 2:06.

Also, that World Series averaged a 27.6 and 56 share.

One thought on “Flashback: NBC’s open to ’72 World Series; Day games and fast games

  1. Back from the days when America stopped to watch or listen to the Series. Used to be able to listen on a radio at Brother Rice high school in Chicago.

    By the way Al Michaels was part of NBC’s coverage for this one when the games were in Cincinnati. They used to have one of the ‘home team’ announcers as part of the coverage working with Curt Gowdy.

    Another thing that has been lost and needs to be brought back… passionate announcers for the home team when they get to the Series…not the mopes and dry as toast guys (looking at you Joe Buck) who do it today.

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