Sherman news: Expanded role at Chicago Tribune; check out paper’s redesigned site

Yes, you can go home again.

I am pleased to announce that you will be able to read more from yours truly at the Chicago Tribune and on the paper’s redesigned digital site.

The plan calls for me to do a weekly column on sports media. I hope to hit the hot topics on the local and national media front.

Also, I will contribute sports media items during the week to the Tribune’s new sports blog, Smack.

I spent 27 years as a full-time reporter at the Tribune from 1981-2008, and restarted the sports column last summer. Now I’m looking forward to doing more at the Trib.

Many thanks to new Tribune sports editor Joe Knowles for making this happen. Great to be reunited with my old Saturday night design pal after all these years.



3 thoughts on “Sherman news: Expanded role at Chicago Tribune; check out paper’s redesigned site

  1. Ed:

    I’ll post what I’ve already sent along to the powers-that-be at the Tribune on the new redesigned web format:

    “Very, very, VERY confusing…seems to go on forever. “Today’s” stories seem hard to locate because of the style, context and colors being used and just my two cents, it seems the Tribune is going out of their way to emphasize their videos and photo galleries rather than what the Tribune SHOULD be doing, emphasizing the daily sports news.

    I’ll get used to it, what choice do I have? but in my opinion, this change could have been done a lot better.”

  2. Congratulations, Ed! That’s great to hear. Good luck. I hope you keep this report going, too.

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