St. Louis Post-Dispatch applies asterisk to Santana no-hitter

Ah, you’ve got to love a little partisan fun in the sports section.

While New York papers were giddy over Johan Santana’s no-hitter, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch took a different view. The paper went with this headline:


*Santana throws gem with help of missed call.

Ah yes, the immortal asterisk made famous by Ford Frick over Roger Maris’ 61 homers in 1961.

The P-D felt Santana’s history maker was tainted by third-base umpire Adrian Johnson’s missed call on an apparent double hit by Carlos Beltran.

The P-D then also carried the theme with this headline over the gamer:

Santana no-hits Cards — with a little help

Nice try, but sorry P-D, Santana’s no-no won’t go in the record book with an asterisk.