Stuart Scott revealed last night he is engaged in another fight with cancer. In a tweet, the ESPN host said:
Blessed by prayers..I’m back in the Fight. C reared its head again. Chemo evry 2 wks but I’ll still work, still work out..still #LIVESTRONG
Scott, though, said he will continue to work through the treatments. He hosted the 11 p.m. edition of SportsCenter. He issued a series of tweets, showing he’s ready for the fight:
Thanks for prayers..ill fight w ALL C survivors & loved ones. Cancer wants to re-appear..picked the right guy cuz I HIT HARD all day long!!
Here’s what I do right aftr chemo. Leave the infusion center & go STRAIGHT 2 either do a p90x wkout or train MMA..THATS how you #LIVESTRONG
Really appreciate all the prayers & well wishes. Nothing changes…I’m rockin the 11pm SPORTSCENTER tonite…WE RIDE STRONG!!
Scott first faced the illness in 2007 and then again in 2011. He definitely has plenty of support. Tons of well-wishers on his Twitter account.
Chris Paul: Just heard about my man @StuartScott…u and the family definitely in my prayers and just know that you’re not fighting alone!!! Much love!
Mike and Mike: We’re with Stu in his fight RT