ESPN invited Charley Steiner to participate in a recent teleconference noting the 50,000th show for SportsCenter. He was an anchor from 1988-2002.
“I feel like Marv Throneberry in that old light beer commercial,” Steiner said. “‘I still don’t know why they asked me to do that commercial.'”
Because he’s one of the best. Steiner, now an announcer for the Dodgers, was wildly entertaining then and still is today.
Here are some terrific soundbites from the teleconference, including his memories of meeting Carl Lewis. Check out the video to see why that was an uncomfortable moment for Steiner.
On joining ESPN:
In 1988 when suddenly out of nowhere I was asked to do this new SportsCenter show, Would you like to come up to Bristol? I had two questions: Why and where? 14 years later it changed only everything.
When we first got there, understand that ESPN was just this sports cable station, it was not the monolith it has become. It was a mom and pop store that has turned into this four-letter icon. To be a small part of it a million years ago and to watch its growth from afar has been thrilling.
I started out as a radio guy. I never had any intention whatsoever of being on television. I still consider myself a radio guy that just happened to have a 14-year diversion on TV.
When I was first offered the job, I didn’t seek it out. My agent, Donald Buchwald, who is Howard Stern’s agent, who has done much better with Howard, said, Why do you want to go to Bristol to a cable station? It seemed like sage advice, with all due respect, Ms. Steele.
I said to him, Let’s give it a shot. If it doesn’t, let’s go back to radio. I had no idea it would last 14 years and have the impact on my career that it did. I don’t know. All I know is when I was seven years old I wanted to be the announcer for the Brooklyn Dodgers. It took 15 years, 3,000 miles, a lot of stops in between.
On working with Bob Ley and Robin Roberts:
Again, the Christopher Lloyd portion of the program, when Bob and Robin and I were together. We were on the air every day for seven years. Bob and I were together for about 10 years. This is going to sound like a bunch of hooey, but it’s the God’s honest truth. Those meetings we had in the morning where the three of us would chime in, Mark Gross was part of that when you had different initials at the end of your name, we would talk about everything. It wasn’t necessarily sports related, but how it would all come together as part of this soup that we would serve up at 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, depending on the hour we aired the show.
In those days, Bob is so damn smart. Robin is, well, Robin. I was thankfully the caboose on this wonderful train. We would sit around and we would talk. More times than not we would come out with the right news judgment. Mercifully, Tim Tebow was four years old then. There was not a lot of Tebow coverage at that point.
Again, we were at that point historically where we had the Tyson story, Pete Rose story, Magic Johnson story. We had stories that were above and beyond just sports news. Those are the things that thankfully gave some foundation to the SportsCenter project. We just happened to be the ones who were there and then.
Keith, Dan doing the 11:00 show. Ours was more a news-generated show. We didn’t have the electronic wherewithal to bring in all the highlights at 7:00. These days you get highlights in at any second with the social media and any other stuff.
On Robin Roberts:
Every one knows what Robin is going through. I mentioned earlier one of the joys of my entire career are morning and afternoon editorial meetings with Bob, Robin and I. We used to jokingly call ourselves the Mod Squad. Bob and Robin are dear friends to this day. Everybody holds a special place in your heart, in your brain, in your soul, whatever it is for what Robin is going through. That’s all I want to say.
On competition back then:
Again, when I got there in ’98, ESPN was just a sports channel on cable. Our competition in 1988 was CNN, Nick and Hick, Nick Charles and Fred Hickman. Within about a year CNN basically removed sports from its lineup.
Then we’re kind of on our own. Most of the time we’re on our own because nobody had quite done what we were doing before. They talked about SportsCenter attitude and all that. We were a bunch of guys trying to figure this out. We had no attitude.
Then Sports Channel for a time. They didn’t put up much of a fight. Then FOX came along. For a time they at least made some noise, put up some competition. But we knew they were dead the day they put their first FOX Sports commercial out, which was a direct knock-off of all the things we had done.
Our collective thought at that time was, If they’re coming into our neighborhood, we’re pretty well-situated, they’ve got no shot. FOX tried to put their studio show on immediately after all their live games, so they were never on at any specific time. So in terms of ratings, we were there every night, same time, same bat channel, those guys were all over the place trying to do exactly what we were doing.
I think the battle was won the first time FOX attempted to do a funny commercial like ours and failed miserably.
On his memorable SportsCenter ads (Here’s the link from Sunday’s post):
Two things come immediately to mind. The one we went and did, Melrose Place, Bobby the pool boy, Sydney. We’d go out there. We’re on this big Hollywood set. All the women on the show didn’t know me from Adam. They were scared to death that they might have their reputations sullied by being something on SportsCenter with the short, fat guy.
The guys, on the other hand, were all congregating around, talking sports. This is pretty cool. Then Sydney thought it would be a career-ender. Little did she know she was so right, but that didn’t matter. That spot had some pretty good wings to it.
The other one was the Follow Me to Freedom. We did about four different lines at the end. Follow Me to Freedom was just one of four that was selected by the producer and the director. Others were something like I’ll Lead You to the Underground, All is Well, Brothers and Sisters, all that kind of crap.
It was the only time I wore a tank top. Anybody who might remember the spot knows why.
On facial hair and his friendship with Wolf Blitzer:
Wolf and I are dear friends. We’ve been friends for more than 20 years because we’re the only two bearded guys on TV. He’s taken off a little more weight than I have over the years, but we still remain friends.
When I first got there, I’d done nothing but radio. Facial hair was not even a consideration to me one way or the other. When I first got there, one of the many consultants who were trying to force feed television into my radio brain asked me one day matter of factly, Would it bother you if you shaved your beard? I’d never given it any thought one way or the other.
I go out on the air. I was God awful in the beginning. Anybody who was up at 11:30 on the West Coast would watch me learn how to do TV at night. I was totally lost.
So a couple of weeks in, one of the producers walked over, Steve Anderson. He said, We just finished having a meeting. I said, Good. He said, You can keep your beard. I had no idea it had been up for discussion. So that’s the long and short of the beard story. About five years ago one day I just decided, you know, it’s time to shave. I’ve been shaving every day since.
That’s a meaningful answer to a meaningful question.
On finally meeting Carl Lewis:
I met Carl Lewis once. This is the God’s honest truth. This is right around the time he did his magnificent rendition of the national anthem. It was several weeks after. Carl and his manager were really pissed off at me and ESPN for showing the thing. Of course, they didn’t consider the fact that he sang the thing.
Having said that, it was a post Tyson fight party. In those days the security was unbelievable, and they’re all so very friendly. So we are kind of pushed through this police cordon, me, a producer, a couple other people. We’re pushed through. I am face to face with Carl Lewis.
He looks at me and I look at him. He doesn’t know what to say. I don’t know what to say. I said finally, Carl, my man. That was no response. Now 20 something years later there still hasn’t been one.
Carl, my man.