Yahoo’s Wetzel deserves praise for work on Penn State story

I’m overdue in saying this, but Dan Wetzel of Yahoo Sports is doing an outstanding job in covering the entire mess at Penn State.

His coverage of the Sandusky trial was riveting, as he captured the heartbreaking testimony. Even with the guilty verdict in, Wetzel hasn’t let go of the story.

Monday, Wetzel wrote a piece from State College on Joe Paterno’s appointment book and whether he knew more than he let on about Sandusky.

From the piece:

Paterno’s appointment book could serve as a confirmation that he met with Curley on or around the date Curley says they met, Feb. 27, 2001. Or it could exonerate him, showing Paterno was off on vacation or unavailable for even a phone conversation. While it often lacked great detail, for a Penn State community desperate for any facts or explanations, the appointment book could offer a morsel of truth.

Unfortunately it doesn’t; at least not yet.

Here is Wetzel’s achive of his Penn State coverage.

Kudos to Wetzel for staying on the story. And kudos to Yahoo for letting him stay on the story.


One thought on “Yahoo’s Wetzel deserves praise for work on Penn State story

  1. Watch as PSU, institutionally, puts as much of this on the deceased JoePa, as it is in their best interests to do so.

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